CB&C, Inc. is a billing & collections company in business since 2000. Our systems are second to none as we are dedicated to continuous operational improvements as the insurance industry continually changes.

Objective: Our purpose is to assist medical offices in functioning at their highest capacity. We alleviate stress by removing those responsibilities that are most taxing on the Doctors & their staff. We also work within offices to train on efficient front desk management & maximizing insurance reimbursement. Our staff is available 5 days a week to work directly with you.
Full service insurance billing & collections including:
Traditional & Managed
Care Insurance
Medicare / Medicaid
Auto Accident / Workers’
Compensation Cases
Other services offered:
In Office Consulting /
New Office Setup
Front Desk Training
Insurance Verification
CB&C, Inc. has been in business for over 10 years. With over 20 years combined experience, specializing in but not limited to Chiropractic and physical therapy billing & collections.
Key Accomplishments
- Assisted many offices with integration into multi discipline groups (Chiropractors & PTs)
- Successful in persuading Oxford to reimburse exams and re-exams from the first processing rather than have the claims automatically pend for notes.
- Established a close working relationship with Horizon BC/BS resulting in monthly quality meetings regarding claims processing, benefits, call center issues, etc.
- Successful in persuading Empire BC/BS to recognize and allow CPT code 98943 for NJ Providers effective October 2004. CB&C, Inc. spearheaded this 2-year project working closely with Horizon BC/BS & Empire BC/BS. Prior to our efforts, Empire BC/BS was typically not reimbursing providers for CPT code 98943.
- Challenged Oxford/TRIAD due to our overall dissatisfaction (and that of the Chiropractic Community) relative to policies & procedures beginning December 2002.
- CB&C, Inc. circulated a fax to Chiropractic offices addressing both clinical & billing issues and concerns. TRIAD subsequently invited CB&C, Inc. to their Connecticut office to address the overwhelming response to this fax. CB&C, Inc. presented findings and examples on multiple separate issues and concerns.
- After a successful meeting, CB&C, Inc.’s efforts, along with those of your Chiropractic organizations, resulted in TRIAD implementing improvements.
- Selected by Horizon BC/BS to evaluate their new IVR system. In a meeting at CB&C, Inc., we presented suggestions for changes to this new system.
- CB&C, Inc. continues working to bring awareness to UHC in regard to A.C.N.’s handling of Chiropractic benefits in general. We circulated a fax to the Chiropractic community to obtain feedback on experiences and 5 issues that we feel are most prevalent.
- “5 Keys to Successful Insurance Collections”, Today’s Chiropractic, Sept/Oct 2001
- Publisher of CB&C News, Quarterly Newsletter